David has a new tool - a scythe - which he has been trying out this week on the orchard and the soon-to-be wildflower meadow. Very impressive results and we're looking forward to making proper hay next year, albeit on a very small scale (but then our rabbits, who will be the main beneficiaries, are quite small too so it evens out nicely). It's also a lot more environmentally sound than a strimmer and a lot quieter...
Maria came along last weekend and we powered on with laying the path membrane in the orchard, completing an almost perfect circle around the pear tree without even measuring it out, which we put down to our natural skill ;) Of course, I thought it might take us an hour or so and it took us nearly three, but we did get a good workout in the sunshine. We also managed to plant out another 50 plug plants in the meadow, along with some grass seed, and slowly but surely that bit of land is looking a little more loved and a lot less neglected.
The Greenfingers Club is now over for the year, beginning again after the February half term, as the nights just get too dark to do much after school at this time of year. The strong winds (which always seem to send children a little doodally) and excitement due to the fast approaching holidays made it an interesting final session, although not especially productive. Still, we managed to pot on some mysterious bedding plants (they came in the post without any label) water everything in sight, and clear out the raised bed to plant spring cabbages, so all was not lost.