Sunday 5 August 2007

Squashed bench

I did think this was a courgette but I think I mixed my labels when I moved the plant, as even though I have some round courgettes this time, this looks more like a squash to me. And it has no slug/snail damage!

The squash/courgette is modelling a rather fine addition to the allotment - David's first ever picnic table, built entirely from scrap wood leftover from other jobs on the allotment.

We welcomed a new volunteer to the allotment on Friday, who had read the article I'd written for the Rowlands Gill Directory. Paul finished digging over the roots bed, which has challenged nearly all of us over the past few weeks, so he made a very good first impression and I hope he'll come back again.

Taking advantage of the clear roots bed this afternoon, I sowed some beetroot, parsley hamburg, corn salad, winter spinach and some Chinese radish and a couple of late squashes as well. The remaining third of the bed has hungarian rye for green manure over it - to improve the soil structure and because I'd run out of root seeds to sow!

It's now getting close to the Open Day on Sunday 2nd September, which will be on from 10am until 4pm. So, if you're reading this and have only experienced the garden 'virtually' so far, this would be a good time to come and have a look around.

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