Friday 7 March 2008

Signs of Spring

Beautiful blue skies and sunshine today, which meant it looked like a perfect Spring day until I ventured out and realised the sting in the tail, quite literally, was the gale force winds. So much for the winds 'dying down a bit'...

The poor polytunnel has lifted another few inches and I feel like sitting on it around the clock to ensure it doesn't blow away, especially since Alan next door has decided he will invoke the 'possession is nine tenths of the law' rule if it ends up in his direction.

The willow dome (see above) now has several new shoots, as well as soft pussy willow buds, and looked a picture against the blue sky this afternoon, so I thought I'd share the view (minus the wind) with everyone else.

The snowdrops and bluebells failed to raise their heads, but the crocuses are putting on a fine show, so that's made up for it.

Peter and I managed to clear the more persistent weeds from the high raised beds in preparation for new arrivals which we hope to sow/transplant once the weather allows. One half of one of the raised beds is going to be filled with a sand-based mixture for carrots and beetroots and the remainder will be salads, radishes etc. and a holding bay for the brassicas to keep them out of reach of hungry slugs and snails until they have the chance to get established.

The ash tree (above) is still looking very wintry, however, and is a fair few weeks away from having any buds of its own.

The rest of the morning was spent moving a bit more of the soil conditioner to prepare a bed for comfrey (more about that a bit later), digging over the new potato bed, and sowing some Green Nutmeg melon seeds (I know, I'm dreaming that I can grow melons like my Dad once did in his greenhouse in Kent - I sometimes have these 'location amnesia' moments when I still think I live down south where it's warmer...)

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