Today the rain didn't stop. Just like the last three days, actually. And as all good gardeners will tell you, it's great for the soil, but you can get too much of a good thing, and I've about reached my limit. And as for the height of the weeds...
But, like the trouper he is, Peter still turned up and was at the gate before me in the rain, keen to get going. I was so grateful we got the plastic on the polytunnel a few weeks back or we would have been truly stuffed.
So, on with planting our tomatoes that were straining at the lease to get out of their pots and into the border soil - some Lily of the Valley and Purple Calabash, both organic and the latter a heritage variety. There was also just enough space for the organic Panthenon and Tri-colour (I think? I'll have to check that) courgettes.
The plan was to put the staging up, but there were no bolts included, and I'm kicking myself as I forgot to check they were in there, and as many months have passed, I think I'm unlikely to have any joy there, so off to get some more.
In between getting thoroughly soaked and several cups of tea, we managed to take some cuttings of the lemon mint and geranium (not convinced they will work, but worth a try) and give loads of pots a good wash, ready for new plants, and also sow (late) seeds for Long Purple aubergines and some Trifetti peppers (heritage) and Oakleaf lettuce.
We called it a day at 1.30pm; time to have a well deserved lunch, yet another cup of tea to warm up (well it is June) and a long, hot (not power) shower :)
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