Thursday 11 October 2007

Garden pizza

This is the ultimate in not-so-fast food, and tastes so much better for it. Of course, there are plenty of local eateries that would happily deliver a pizza to my door but I think I can safely say that this one would win hands down on taste alone ;)

David made the pizza base, following a basic bread mixture, and the tomato sauce ingredients are all sourced from the garden (apart from the seasoning)- fresh chilli, various tomato varieties, onion, garlic and bay leaves.

On top is garden spinach, red onion, extra garlic and some mushrooms and eggs from our veg box delivery which we have delivered once a fortnight when our growing season is a bit quieter.

It really isn't too difficult to make your own pizza, as long as you're happy to spend a little time doing so - I just chuck anything on that I have to hand and hope for the best.

The rather sad looking potato above is actually completely hollow. I couldn't quite believe it when I dug it up this morning while clearing the bed for winter and Alan hadn't seen anything like it before either. I think the slugs/snails had a field day on this one.

I orginally planned to weigh the potatoes from the mulch bed and compare against the traditional one but I've saved myself the trouble as there really isn't any competition: due to the awfully damp summer (and consequent snail/slug heavenly conditions) the potatoes grown through the mulch are puny.

It wasn't really a good year to trial the two, as the odds were stacked against the mulch bed pretty much from the start, so I may well try a smaller test patch next year just in case.

On a positive note, the cardboard mulch has broken down really well, and the manure, straw and grass cuttings have left the soil in really good condition, with loads of happy worms wriggling around.

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