Monday 25 August 2008

A ray of sunshine

Whenever I'm feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work (usually weeding) that needs my immediate attention, there's always something wonderful that pops up and reminds me to take a few minutes to actually enjoy the garden rather than just work in it. This lovely sunflower (above) was one such timely reminder, one of about half a dozen planted by the Greenfingers Club way back in early summer.

I say 'early summer' but I'm still waiting for it to arrive....

The potatoes have succumbed to the awful damp/humid weather and are turning up their toes and showing signs of blight. I've dug up some of the worst looking specimens and the spuds beneath seem to be fine, although there are a few dodgy looking white spots on them.

Today's bumblebee survey was a bit of a disappointment due to a lack of both bees and willing volunteers ( very windy/overcast). I might just keep the survey in the shed and whip it out when the sun comes out next, enlisting whoever happens to be around at the time (although it will probably be the chickens and they're a little young to master writing yet).

During the past week, Maria and I managed to cut down the raspberry canes and tie in the new growth, as well as weeding the leek bed. I feel it's a turning point moment for the allotment over the next month or so, so let's hope we can get ahead soon and get this off the ground (that's a very unsubtle hint in your direction, Gateshead Council Property Services).....

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